There were times James Kirkland wasn’t sure he’d graduate. A move out of state and subsequent transfer to Mizzou, work obligations and medical emergencies in his family caused a few bumps in the road along the way. But today, Kirkland receives a bachelor’s in information technology, thanks to the program’s 100% online option.
“I prefer the online approach,” he said. “I feel like I work better on my own time, so having the flexibility to get things done when I’m able to get them done is better for me, personally. I’ve also had to work all throughout college except freshman year, so transferring to Mizzou online was the most convenient option for me.”
Kirkland credits his online experience—coupled with his course work—for helping him snag a job as a data center technician at Microsoft.
“I definitely think the IT program helped,” he said. “And especially the online program with core skills like time management. That is huge. In online classes, your time management skills definitely develop quickly.”