Wherever you’re coming from, whatever your goals, we’re here to bring your dreams to life. We want nothing more than to see you succeed. Here are a few tips to help you get started.
The tools to thrive
We’ve developed our online tools with you in mind, because our accessibility empowers your transformation. All you need to get started in most programs is a basic understanding of web navigation and word processing. Before you enroll in our online courses, confirm that you have access to the following:
- A modern web browser
- A working internet connection
- Word processing software
- Enough space to save your work (hard drive, cloud server, external storage device, etc.)
Get more details about browser and software requirements, plus the life-shaping education you’ll earn through them.
A path to excellence
Academic success requires intention and investment — and we’re here to intentionally invest alongside you. Here are just a few tips to get you started on this journey toward achievement.
Make time
Taking an online course requires the same amount of focus and study as taking a course in a classroom. For every hour of class time, plan on spending at least two hours working on your assignments. When you give yourself time to succeed, you will.
Make space
Remove as many distractions as possible so you can focus. Try to study in a quiet place during a time of day when you won’t be interrupted, and let friends and family know that you won’t be answering their texts. The right space can become the foundation for your future achievement.
Make plans
As you progress in your classes, set goals to keep yourself progressing forward. Prepare for your next class or look for ways that your current assignment fits into the big picture of your studies — or even how it applies to your current career. By staying on top of your assignments, reflecting on new terms and concepts and constantly pushing yourself to go the extra step, you will stay engaged and energized on your path to excellence.
Where questions matter
The more you participate, the more you get in return. Your peers, your instructors and the Mizzou Online team are always ready to support you. Whether you have a question in class or a question about your next step, at Mizzou Online, your questions shape our way forward. So go ahead, ask them all.