Global Public Affairs Courses

University of Missouri
Graduate Certificate
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This program is 100% online and asynchronous, without scheduled meeting times. 

However, the highly-encouraged study abroad program includes synchronous, scheduled meeting times. 

Discover Kyrgyzstan with Politics and Society in Central Asia; Brussels, Belgium with Policies and Institutions of the European Union; or Costa Rica with Social Justice, Human Rights and Narratives in Costa Rica. Visit the application page or browse study abroad programs.

Course planner

The chart below shows the courses offered in the program. Courses are 3 credit hours each, unless stated otherwise. The University reserves the right to change or cancel courses as needed.

Nondegree-seeking enrollment

Prior to acceptance into the program, you may enroll in up to 3 credit hours as a nondegree-seeking (in some cases, post-baccalaureate) student. Enrollment does not guarantee acceptance. Learn more about nondegree-seeking university student admissions.

State authorization

States require that the University of Missouri be authorized to deliver university-level distance/online education to their residents. Each state handles this process differently.

Please see our state authorization page for more information.

Learn more about this program

This program is administered by the Truman School of Government and Public Affairs