Missouri K-12 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Courses

University of Missouri
Certification Preparation
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Delivery of this program is 100 percent online: no campus visits are required.

Missouri K-12 ESOL Certification requires successful completion of 21 credit hours of TESOL courses. Certification also involves three professional requirements: LTC 8642, LTC 8681 and SPC_ED 7300 or equivalent course work. If you did not complete the professional requirements as an undergraduate, you can do so at the graduate level.

The master of education in learning, teaching and curriculum with a TESOL focus also includes the 21 credit hours of TESOL courses required for certification. For those seeking to earn the master's in addition to Missouri K-12 ESOL certification, please see the M Ed page.

Course planner

The chart below shows when the courses are traditionally offered. Courses are 3 credit hours each, unless indicated otherwise. The University reserves the right to change or cancel courses as needed.


The TESOL courses in this program encompass all competencies required by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) for Missouri K-12 ESOL certification.

Check the DESE educator certification web page and the compendium of Missouri certification requirements for details.

State authorization

States require that the University of Missouri be authorized to deliver university-level distance/online education to their residents. Each state handles this process differently.

Please see our state authorization page for more information.

Learn more about this program

This program is administered by the Department of Learning, Teaching and Curriculum