PK-12 Educational Leadership and Administration, Elementary and Secondary Principal, Certification

University of Missouri
Educational Specialist in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis
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Educational specialist

You want to oversee how a school functions in PK–12 schools as a principal. Prepare for rewarding work and the state qualifications you need to expand your career in education with a 100% online educational specialist degree in educational leadership and policy analysis with an emphasis in PK–12 educational leadership and administration leading to elementary and secondary principal certification. 

As a principal, you’ll set the mission, vision and goals for your school. Work closely with your community, enhance your leadership skills and understand the responsibilities a principal has to provide a cohesive structure for school success. The University of Missouri’s affordable online program provides the flexibility you need to take your career to new heights.


This program meets the requirements for building-level certification requirements in Missouri and many other states. Graduate candidates who already possess a Missouri Initial Administrator Certificate (building-level) can use the educational specialist degree to meet the requirements toward a Missouri Career Continuous Certificate (building-level).

Quick facts

Official name

Educational Specialist in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis with an emphasis in PK-12 Educational Leadership and Administration, Elementary and Secondary Principal, Certification


University of Missouri

Program type

Educational specialist

Academic home

College of Education & Human Development | Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

Delivery mode

100% online


Higher Learning Commission, Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)

Credit hours


Estimated cost


*This cost is for illustrative purposes only. Your hours and costs will differ, depending on your transfer hours, your course choices and your academic progress. See more about tuition and financial aid.

Male high school teacher or principal smiles while talking with student outside on campus.

Career prospects

Potential careers

  • Elementary school principal
  • Secondary school principal
Burning Glass Technologies. 2022. Salary numbers and employment growth numbers are based on models that consider advertised job posting salary, Bureau of Labor Statistics data and other proprietary and public sources of information for multiple occupations.
Employment growth
Burning Glass Technologies. 2022. Salary numbers and employment growth numbers are based on models that consider advertised job posting salary, Bureau of Labor Statistics data and other proprietary and public sources of information for multiple occupations.
Median salary

Program structure

Courses for this program are 100% online: no campus visits are required. Courses are a mix of synchronous and asynchronous.

Courses are semester-based. Students typically take one or two classes each semester, including summers, and finish in under two years.

Course work includes

  • Site-level organization and leadership
  • Advanced leadership for learning environments
  • Education politics and policymaking
  • Leadership for data-driven change
  • Ethics in education
  • Internship


100% online

Calendar system


Typical program length

2 years

Typical course load

1 or 2 classes each semester


The University of Missouri is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, one of six regional institutional accreditors in the United States. 

This program is accredited by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).

The College of Education and Human Development is a member of the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

Faculty spotlight

Emily Crawford-Rossi

Emily Crawford-Rossi’s research explores issues related to leadership and immigration in PK–12 public schools in urban and rural contexts. Dr. Crawford-Rossi’s research examines the intersections among immigration policy, educational policy and leadership and ethics. Her projects seek to understand the ways PK–12 educators — particularly school leaders — perceive and provide educational and schooling access for immigrant students and families of mixed legal status. Her work has been published in top journals, including Educational Administration Quarterly, Educational Policy, Equity & Excellence in Education, Journal of School Leadership and others. She is a senior associate editor for the American Journal of Education.

She teaches courses on PK–12 politics and policymaking and ethics for educational leaders and school practitioners pursuing a degree in educational administration, educational policy analysis and the history of U.S. educational policy.

Emily Crawford-Rossi, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis. Faculty Affiliate, Harry S. Truman School of Public Affairs. Fellow, MU Cambio Center
Se Woong Lee

Se Woong Lee earned his doctorate in educational leadership and policy analysis from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and joined the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis in 2016.

Dr. Lee’s research focuses on understanding the impact educators, teachers, assistant principals and principals have on students while addressing the inequalities that persist in the educational system. He uses a mixed-methods approach to explore the impact of factors such as educator quality gaps, the educator labor market and school board governance on schools and students’ educational experiences and success. He also focuses on understanding systemic inequities for marginalized populations, particularly Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, in order to dismantle stereotypes and promote equitable leadership practices.

His work has been published in reputable journals, such as Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, AERA Open and more. He has received funding from the American Educational Research Association, Russell Sage Foundation and the University of Missouri System Research Board.

Se Woong Lee, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

Learn more about this program

This program is administered by the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis