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Military Tuition Award

Mizzou provides military personnel, veterans and their families (qualified dependents) with a 10% reduction off of base tuition for undergraduate and graduate online degree and certificate program credit hours. The Military Tuition Award applies to online students after they are admitted to the university and enrolled in their respective programs.

Who qualifies

Members of the United States Armed Forces, National Guard and Reserves, and their spouses and dependent children; who have been accepted as a degree-seeking student to one of Mizzou's online degree programs.

What is covered

The 10% tuition award reduces base tuition only; other fees still apply. The award is for a maximum of 150 cumulative credit hours toward an undergraduate online degree and 75 cumulative credit hours toward a graduate online program. Cumulative hours include transfer credit (Example: If Mizzou awards you 60 hours in transfer credit from a previous school attended, a maximum of 90 Mizzou undergraduate credit hours would be eligible for the tuition award.)

Maintaining eligibility

To continue receiving the tuition award, recipients must:

  • Be certified to receive military or veteran benefits.
  • Be a verified spouse or dependent child of an active-duty service member, veteran, National Guard or Reservist.
  • Remain active as a Mizzou online student.
  • Maintain a 2.0 GPA.

How to apply

  1. Apply and be admitted into an online Mizzou program.
  2. Submit a FAFSA. You can learn about the process at
  3. Submit the Military Tuition Award Application.


Community College Tuition Award

The Community College Award offers a 10% tuition reduction for Mizzou undergraduate online degree programs.

Who qualifies

Graduates of Missouri's public, regionally accredited community college who are Missouri residents who have established a lawful presence in the U.S. and who have been accepted as a degree-seeking student to one of Mizzou's online degree programs.

What is covered

The 10% tuition award reduces base tuition only; other fees still apply. The award is for a maximum of 150 cumulative credit hours toward an undergraduate online degree. (The cumulative maximum allowed (150) includes all transferred credit hours.)

Who qualifies

To continue receiving the tuition award, recipients must:

  • Remain active as a degree-seeking online Mizzou student.
  • Maintain a 2.0 GPA.

How to apply