Gifted Education Courses

University of Missouri
Certification Preparation
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Delivery of this program is 100 percent online: no campus visits are required.

Certification requires successful completion of 23 credit hours of gifted education courses included in the online gifted education master’s program.

Missouri gifted certification requires 15 credit hours of gifted education course work as well as a graduate-level educational research course (e.g., SPC_ED 8350 Research with Exceptional Children) and a course in administration and supervision of gifted programs (e.g., SPC_ED 8410).

You also must have completed a course in psychology and/or education of the exceptional child in your undergraduate program. If you have not completed such a course, you will be required to take one at the graduate level (e.g., SPC_ED 7300 Introduction to Special Education).

State authorization

States require that the University of Missouri be authorized to deliver university-level distance/online education to their residents. Each state handles this process differently.

Please see our state authorization page for more information.

Learn more about this program

This program is administered by the Department of Special Education